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2023-12-30 21:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

In recent years, more and more ice has been melting. And for one animal, this is a critical issue. A mother bear and her cub rest on a small piece of sea ice. With the melt, they’re forced to swim greater distances to hunt for seals. Their Arctic home is vulnerable to climate change, and this year there has been even less ice than normal. If future ice melts are as extreme as this one, bears like these may starve or drown, lost at sea. This is one of the last pieces of ice now floating. The polar bear’s icy world has melted away.



Part B Role Play (角色扮演)






生词:leaf peeping 观赏树叶;app 手机应用程序










Part C Retelling (故事复述)



关键词:drawing (画)

             throw (扔)

             grandma (奶奶)

             exhibition (展览)

             touched (感动)




Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Mary, it’s been quite some time since you arrived here. How do you like Guangzhou?

W: I love the city , although I’ve been here for only two months.

M: Is it different from where you are from?

W: Yes, it’s really different from Canada, especially the weather here. I’ve never experienced summer in March.

M: Haha, summer in Guangzhou may last for half a year, but autumn here is cool and beautiful.

W: Autumn is the most beautiful season in Canada too. If I go back to Canada in autumn, I would do a lot of outdoor activities like leaf peeping.




翻译:What does that mean?

电脑回答:Leaf peeping means going to see beautiful autumn tree leaves. It’s my favorite thing to do in autumn. Fortunately, there’s a big park near my house, just ten minutes’ walk away. When I was in Canada, I often went there in autumn, watching trees change colors, from green to red, yellow, purple and more.


翻译:Did you just watch the tree leaves?

电脑回答:Of course not. Leaf peeping is also an occasion for photography and camping in the forest. In this season, many photographers and campers use a special app to find out the most colorful leaves. For me, the best way to watch tree leaves in autumn is to ride my mountain bike in the forest, watching the colorful trees on both sides and feeling the tree leaves under the bike wheel.


翻译:When is the best time to watch the tree leaves?

电脑回答:Different people may have different preferences for the best time to watch tree leaves. The leave peeping season is rather short, only about six to eight weeks. My mom thinks late October is the best time to watch leaves when entire forest changes color. Fo rme, mid-September is the most beautiful time when maples begin to change, creating red and orange spots in a sea of green.



1. 电脑提问:How long has Mary stayed in Guangzhou?

回答:Two months.

2. 电脑提问:Where is Mary from?

回答:She is from Canada.

3. 电脑提问:How far is the big park from Mary’s house?

回答:It’s ten minutes’ walk.

4. 电脑提问:What is the best way for Mary to watch tree leaves in autumn?

回答:Ride her mountain bike in the forest.

5. 电脑提问:What does Mary think is the best time to watch tree leaves?



Part C Retelling (故事复述)


The Unwanted Drawing

      When Tom was a little boy, he loved drawing very much and always wanted to draw perfect pictures. If he felt bad about his drawings, he’d roll them up and throw them into the dustbin. Whenever this happened, his grandma would come to him and encourage him to try again. Years went by, Tom was now a famous painter whose works were collected by many art galleries across the country. One day Tom received a letter from a well-known art gallery, saying that the gallery was going to hold an exhibition to show how Tom grew from a young learner to a famous painter. So they needed Tom’s earlier works. Tom likes this idea. He searched the house for the works he had completed as a boy. He found a several pieces of his works but not enough for the exhibition. Tom felt upset. Knowing this, his grandma asked Tom to go down to the basement with her. She showed him a huge box. Tom opened it. Inside the box were drawings he threw away in the past. Every drawing was well kept and marked with the date when Tom drew it. Tom felt deeply touched and gave his grandma a big hug.


 2021年广东高考听说考试真题Test B


Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

London has always been the centre of the British theatre world. It’s home to the West End, a small area of Central London with some of the most famous theatres in the world. Not far away, there’s the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, arguably the most prestigious /pre'stɪʤəs/ drama school in the world. Many of today’s famous actors started their careers at this school. Before RADA and the West End, Shakespeare had made London his home. After he became a famous playwright /'pleɪraɪt/, the shrewd /ʃru:d/ Shakespeare opened his own theatre, the Globe. Today a recreated version of the Globe Theatre attracts thousands of visitors a year.



Part B Role Play (角色扮演)




任务:(1) 与同学Mary 谈论关于网球的话题;

         (2) 根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。

生词:fashion 时尚










Part C Retelling (故事复述)










Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Hi, Mary. What a surprise to see you here at the sports club!

W: Hi, Tom.

M: Are you alright? You look very tired.

W: Thank you, I’m fine. I’ve just had my first tennis lesson.

M: Tennis lesson? I never know you are the sport type.

W: Me neither. I’ve made a wrong decision. Luckily, I only paid $5 for the first lesson. If I quit now, I don’t lose much.




翻译:Why do you want to learn to play tennis?

电脑回答:It’s all because I watched a film on tennis last week. It made tennis a very attractive sport. The film first traced the origin of tennis to Britain in the 19th century. At that time the gentlemen were in suit and the ladies in dress when playing tennis. They looked elegant and fashionable. You know my passion for fashion. So I lost my mind when the film continued to talk about clothing industry.


翻译:What is the relationship between tennis and clothing industry?

电脑回答:According to the film, tennis supplied many original ideas for the designers in the clothing industry. Formerly the color of tennis wear had been restricted to white only. In the 1970s, more colors and styles were added to tennis wear. I fancied that I must look good in tennis wear. So I registered for the tennis training course.


翻译:What do you want to give up?

电脑回答:Because there is a world of difference between playing tennis on the court and watching tennis in the film. In the film, tennis seemed an easy sport when the tennis stars played it. They looked handsome and smart in their tennis wear. But for me, playing tennis just means running here and there out of breath and missing the ball all the time. I don’t look good at all on the tennis court. I must quit.



1. 电脑提问:Why did Mary look so tired?

回答:Because she just had her first tennis lesson.

2. 电脑提问:How much did Mary pay for her first tennis lesson?

回答:$5.(Five dollars.)

3. 电脑提问:What did people wear in the 19th century when playing tennis?

回答:The gentlemen were in suit and the ladies in dress (when playing tennis).

4. 电脑提问:What were added to tennis wear in the 1970s?

回答:More colors and styles.

5. 电脑提问:What does playing tennis mean to Mary?

回答:Running here and there out of breath and missing the ball all the time.


Part C Retelling (故事复述)


The Watch

Tom was a primary school student. One day, he found a fancy watch at a corner of the school playground. He had seen his classmate Peter wear a watch like this. Tom thought Peter might had lost it when he was playing soccer. Then he headed for the classroom and wanted to give the watch back to Peter. The moment he entered the classroom, he saw Peter crying to the teacher that someone had stolen his watch. The teacher asked the class if anyone had seen Peter’s watch. Tom didn’t answer because he didn’t know what to say. He felt worried that others might think he was the thief. Then the teacher told all the students to write a note of comfort to Peter and put it into the box under the teacher’s desk. Anyone who happened to find the watch should put it together with the note into the box. Every student did what the teacher said. The teacher checked the box and found the watch in it. Years later, the teacher received a letter. It was from Tom. In the letter, Tom said he was very grateful because the teacher got him out of an embarrassing situation.



 2021年广东高考听说考试真题Test C


Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

Macronutrients ['mækrəo'njuɪtrɪəntz] are in meats, nuts , grains, fish, eggs,and other things. They give us energy and keep us healthy. So, be sure to eat the right amount of macronutrients each day. The reason most junk food is bad for you is because it contains too much of one thing and not enough of anything else. Junk foods may be too high in fat and not have enough protein, for example. It’s OK to have junk food once in a while. But you should try to eat a healthy diet every day. Make sure you get plenty of micro- and macronutrients for your health and wellbeing.



Part B Role Play (角色扮演)






生词:assignment 作业










Part C Retelling (故事复述)


关键词:caves (山洞)

            rock paintings (岩画)

            daughter (女儿)

            horses (马)

            discovery (发现)





Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Hello, Mary. Where are you heading?

W: I’m on my way to the library.

M: What are you busy with?

W: I’ve been writing a story.

M: Is it your assignment?

W: No, actually, our school magazine is calling for stories about international exchange. I’m working on it.

M: Interesting. Maybe I can write one too.

W: Then you have to hurry up. I’m going to submit my story the day after tomorrow.

M: All right, by the way, what story are you going to share with us?

W: I’m writing about my visit to a British family.




翻译:How did you meet this family?

电脑回答:Through an organization called Host UK. It arranges for international students studying in the UK to meet British people in their homes. Students need to pay the application fee. Luckily my UK university paid it for me. So I just paid 100 pounds for the transport. My host family picked me up at the train station and drove me back to their farm house.


翻译:What did you do with this family?

电脑回答:We had some indoor and outdoor activities. They invited friends to their house and threw a party for me. I made friends with quite a few friendly people. They also showed me around their farm and introduced the animals to me. I tried milking a cow and feeding chickens. I’m proud that I’ve learned how to ride a horse. How exciting!


翻译:Do you still keep in touch with this British family?

电脑回答:Yes. Since I came back to China, we have kept writing emails to each other. Months ago, they told me that they would name a newborn horse after me. Now there’s a young horse called Mary. I’m thinking about visiting them next year because I really want to meet my Mary.



1. 电脑提问:What is the school magazine calling for?

回答:The school magazine is calling for stories about international exchange.

2. 电脑提问:When is Mary going to submit her story?

回答:The day after tomorrow.

3. 电脑提问:Who paid Mary’s application fee?

回答:Her UK university.

4. 电脑提问:What is Mary proud of?

回答:She’s learned how to ride a horse.

5. 电脑提问:Why does Mary want to visit the family next year??

回答:Because she really want to meet the horse Mary.


Part C Retelling (故事复述)


The Cave Paintings

Tom was an artist living in the village. There were many old caves near his village. He had always known that there might be some mysterious rock paintings in the caves, so Tom often went to look for them. But he never found any painting in the case. One day, Tom wanted to explore one of the caves again. His five-year-old daughter Mary wanted to go too. So Tom took her with him. While Tom was looking for the paintings, Mary went for a walk by herself in the cave. Suddenly, Mary shouted that she saw some horses. Tom went up to her, keeping his head down, because the top of that part was very low. Tom looked around but saw nothing. He asked Mary where the horses were. “There!” Mary pointed to the top. Tom sat down on the ground and looked up. Now he saw some paintings of red horses. He had never tried to examine the cave this way before. Later, Tom invited some experts to study the paintings in the cave. Seeing those paintings, the experts were very excited because they had a very long history. They told Tom his daughter had made a great discovery.



 2021年广东高考听说考试真题Test D


Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

The living room and bedroom of Eon Felton’s new home are large and comfortable. The building has a new kind of green construction that is becoming popular in Europe. It is made of recycled shipping containers. The shipping containers bring goods back and forth between Asia and Europe. But the trade is mostly one way because it’s too expensive to send empty containers back thousands of kilometers. In the past, the empty containers became junk and a problem for the ports. Now the containers are used as a quick and cheap way to build homes, schools and offices.



Part B Role Play (角色扮演)






生词:stack 书架










Part C Retelling (故事复述)


关键词:package (包,袋)

            store policy (店规)

            manager (经理)

            popular (受欢迎的)

            sales star (销售明星)





Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Hello, Mary. Would you like to play table tennis this afternoon?

W: I’m afraid not. I’m going to the library to work on our group project.

M: My goodness. I almost forget this one.

W: It’s due next Monday. My part is very difficult. I don’t know what to do.

M: Me neither. What about having a group meeting to discuss it?

W: That’s a good idea. Shall I say Friday afternoon?

M: I’m fine with it.

W: By the way. Do you know there are some lovely changes in our school library? We can have our group meeting in our school library now.




翻译:Where can we have a group meeting in the library?

电脑回答:In the group learning spaces. The lecture hall on the 3rd floor has been turned into group learning spaces for students to study in groups. Each learning space is actually a small booth. It is provided with a desk, some chairs, a computer, and a whiteboard. These learning spaces are very popular now, so booking is required.


翻译:How can we book a group learning space?

电脑回答:Students need to first check the availability on the library website and then file an online application. When you receive an email from the library, they need to reply and confirm the booking. There’s another interesting change in the library. The books are put on stacks of different colours by subject. Now there are different colour zones for books, red, yellow, green, and so on.


翻译:Which colour zone are the books on Chinese literature in?

电脑回答:Red zone. I happened to borrow several books on Chinese literature yesterday. It’s much easier to find books now. Students just need to follow the colour and get to the right stacks quickly. By the way, there’s a new cafe on the ground floor, next to the entrance. We won’t need to worry about being hungry while studying in the library.



1. 电脑提问:Where is Mary going this afternoon?

回答:She is going to the library.

2. 电脑提问:When is the group project due?

回答:It’s due next Monday.

3. 电脑提问:What is a group learning space provided with?

回答:It is provided with a desk, some chairs, a computer, and a whiteboard.

4. 电脑提问:What do students need to do when they receive the email from the library?

回答:They need to reply and confirm the booking.

5. 电脑提问:On which floor is the new cafe?

回答:On the ground floor.


Part C Retelling (故事复述)


Smaller Packages

Tom had a new job in a local grocery store. On his first day, an old woman walked up to Tom and asked whether she could buy a half package of carrots. Tom hesitated because it was against store policy. But the old woman explained that she lived alone, and one full package was too much for her. Tom decided to help her. He opened the package and sold half to her. The manager saw this and came to Tom. He told Tom that he must follow the policy. He warned that he would fire Tom if he caught Tom doing that again. Just at that time, another customer came and asked Tom whether she could buy the other half. She said a half package of carrots was exactly what she wanted. The manager heard this and then thought about it. He told Tom it might be a good idea to put the carrots and other vegetables into smaller packages. Tom did as the manager instructed. The smaller packages were popular among customers. The manager was very pleased to see many more vegetables sold than before. And Tom became the sales star of the day.





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